I'm not anoerxic.
I've heard it since I was little.
I'm too skinny. I need to start eating more. I look gross.
And to that, I'd like to say
Shut up, you don't know me.
When I was younger, hearing about how skinny I was and how gross I look hurt me.
I struggled with body issues because of it. I used to eat and eat and eat, so much so until I'd stuff myself so full that I'd vomit.
Until one day I realized, people weren't making fun of me for being skinny. Their was absolutely nothing wrong with me being skinny, people were making fun of me because they were jealous. I was hated, because I was skinnier than everyone else, and they hated it.
It's amazing looking back now, seventeen, and seeing that.
I love my body, and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it, because while you're calling me disgusting and secretly worrying about your own weight,
I'm loving my body, the same way I wish everyone else would their own.
I've come to learn that it doesn't matter what other people think about you're body,
it's about what you think about your body.
I wish people would see that instead of bashing other people's bodies, they need to worrry about their own. I pray for everyone who has body issues, because I think every body size is beautiful, and it's horrifying seeing the amount of girls who don't think they're beautiful.
So this is to say basically,
I don't care what you think about my body.
I think it's beautiful and it's exactly what God gave me,
so I do not give a fuck what you have to say about it.
Stop hate. Spread love.